I'm Dr. Jason Spears
Physician | Premed Coach | Author
I'm excited to guide you to your medical school acceptance so that you actually become a Doctor!
I know what it feels like to want to Get Into Medical School. I was once in your shoes not long ago...
Just like you, I wanted to become a doctor
When I enrolled at college the goal was to study hard, be a well-rounded student and then apply to medical school.
This was no easy task, especially with a medical school rejection rate of 60%.
How was I going to get the attention of AdComs but more importantly earn a medical school acceptance?
My life was one of being in the library seven days a week trying to study as much as possible because in my mind becoming a doctor came down to two things:
- MCAT score
- Grade Point Average
If I didn't have the numbers then my chances were over before they started.
Life was no fun and freshman chemistry was brutal. Each Quarter there were more and more empty seats as my classmates dropped the course because it was too tough or they realized medicine wasn't for them.
But I stuck with it and I can't tell you how many phone calls I made home to my parents and especially my Mom because she had attended the same university and knew how rough it was.
Fast forward to studying for the MCAT.
I was getting killed even in the CARS section which I thought would be a piece of cake as a Political Science major but I was wrong.
My scores simply wouldn't improve.
With lots of frustration I spoke with my identical twin brother who smiled, laughed and proceeded to explain how CARS was so easy.
I guess when your twin is in law school he has a few tricks up his sleeve to master reading comprehension and analysis.
With his expert help CARS became a breeze and a section of the MCAT I would never struggle with again.
My story continued
I finally sat for the MCAT and was pleasantly surprised about the exam especially as I got several questions I knew completely.
A few anxious weeks later I received my MCAT score and shortly thereafter, I received communications from Harvard and a few other medical schools encouraging me to apply based off my MCAT performance.
However before I could do so I would need help with my personal statement for medical school and turned to one of the Deans at Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine for assistance.
I cannot begin to tell you how many revisions of my personal statement were made.
Knowing my goal, I buckled down and rewrote my personal statement and thought to myself, "This is what it takes" I am committed.
Finally, I was able to get the Dean's approval and submit my AMCAS application.
Who Would Have Thought
Weeks and months went by with no good news.
Rejections left and right.
Until I was crushed when the last school had rejected me.
I was lost, I had no direction in my life because all I had ever known was being premed and becoming a doctor.
What happened a year or so later is beyond anything.
I applied to grad school and used my AMCAS materials where one of the programs said there was an irregularity and to contact AMCAS.
What I found out was that AMCAS had made an error in my application to medical school where Zero credit hours were given for most of my premed courses so it looked I was applying without meeting the basic requirements and thus I was rejected everywhere.
Folks this was in 2007, and is a fluke accident not likely to be repeated but it certainly delayed and impacted my matriculation to medical school.
You Deserve a Proven Process for Successfully Getting Into Medical School
Since 2008, I’ve been transforming diamond in the rough premeds into ACCEPTED medical students.
Trust Me, 9 in 10 Premedical Students Who Work With Me Get Into Medical School! Are You Ready to Become a DOCTOR?

Trust Me I Can Help You
At Northwestern University I was the president of the premed society and organized our annual medical school day which put me in contact with AdComs from the top medical schools throughout the country.
My classmates and friends would ask me questions about getting into medical school. I gladly shared my insider tips gained from working with AdComs but more importantly students were getting incredible results.
Overtime, I realized I was being asked the same questions and decided the best thing I could do for premeds was to build a website where all my knowledge could be placed online making it available to everyone and accessible 24/7.
And that’s how DoctorPremed got started in 2008.
Since then I have helped thousands of premed students achieve their goals of getting into medical school, conquering the MCAT, passing their USMLE and now former students of mine are practicing physicians.
I hope you become my next success story.
Schedule a CallMy Academic Degrees and Credentials

In 2019, I graduated from a New York City area medical school.
But here’s how it all got started…
I only applied to one college while in high school and that was Northwestern University in Evanston, IL where I would earn my Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.
Despite my major I was premed and went to Harvard Summer School while in undergrad to complete my prerequisites for medical school.
At Northwestern I conducted research through the Undergraduate Success in the Sciences (U.S.S.) program on lead poisoning and then was nominated to participate in research through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute - EXROP at Partners AIDS Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Apparently, I developed an affinity for the Boston area which led me to come back for graduate school.
Where I attended Boston University School of Medicine to earn my Masters in Medical Sciences and wrote a thesis, “Rising Incidence of Cesarean Sections and Implications for Mother and Neonate.”
My proven 7-Steps MAPS process will fast track your medical school acceptance.
Choose your preferred method of help and let's get started...

1:1 Advising
Hourly advising session to answer all your questions and help you chart a path forward to make the most of your premed years.

Personal Statement Editing
Helping you craft the perfect personal statement that gets the attention of AdComs. Assistance with topic ideas, telling your unique story, essay structure, and closing strong so you get invited to a medical school interview. You will be guided line by line in the writing of your personal statement.

Application Packages
Full service medical school application advising. Individual advising for MCAT, Personal Statement, Primary Application, Extracurriculars, Secondaries, Interview Prep, etc. If you’re serious about getting into medical school then you need an experienced doctor guiding you to your medical school acceptance.
Everyone should have the opportunity to Practice Medicine
Plus there's a looming physician shortage. I'm going to show you how to get into medical school so you can go on and become a successful DOCTOR!
Schedule a Call

Download the Free Guide:
5 Things Every Premed Needs to Know

Download your guide and avoid making these costly premed mistakes. Get the insider secrets I wish I had known before applying to medical school.
About Me

1. Identical Twin
I'm an identical twin (I'm older) and he's an attorney.

2. Football
Football is my favorite sport & I turned down a scholarship to play in college.

3. Luxury Cars
I like luxury foreign cars. My dream car is the Bentley Continental GT coupe.