The DoctorPremed Blog

The hardest part of medical school is getting in. Let me show you how to successfully get into medical school so that you actually become a DOCTOR!

Medical Student Conversations

medical student May 28, 2020

Medical student conversations are your chance to hear from those who have successfully made the transition from premed to med student. You'll get an inside glimpse as to what medical school is really about.

I just want to let you know these conversations are not scripted or planned. This is like written medical school reality tv except without the cameras for now. You're about to get access into the views and thoughts of actual medical students.

What I did was speak with my friends in medical school and asked them open-ended questions to get the conversation started.

My friends all took a unique approach in responding to my questions where some focused on surviving medical school will others talk about getting into medical school.  

I think you're really in for a treat.

If you're like me you definitely want to know how each student got into medicine, their background and path to admission. What surprised me was learning about all the different paths my friends took to medical school and their perspectives on becoming a doctor.

Honestly, you are really going to enjoy the stories that follow and it may change your outlook on being a premed student. For some it may fuel your motivation to become a doctor, for others it may tell you that you need to be working much harder in your premed classes. While others may finally see what medical school is all about and have any myths dispelled.

I can guarantee you this though each medical conversation is unique and definitely an eye-opener so this is a page you will want to bookmark and visit often as stories will be constantly added.

It goes without saying that med students are extremely busy and it is hard to get in touch with them for these conversations so I want to thank those who were generous of their time to speak openly about things which may seem very routine to them but are extremely unique for premed students.

HIPPA and Medical Student Secrecy

Medical students do everything to protect their privacy at all costs. 

This kinda has to do with the fact that after medical school they want to get into a residency program so they're concerned about anything they post online.

Yup, those pesky background checks scare the daylight out of med students.

I'm a pretty open guy myself, but even I don't publicly say what medical school I attend for fear of violating the Health Information Patient Privacy Act better known as HIPPA. 

Okay, so that's not the full story.

If you don't know where a med student attends school it allows him to be much more open in what they share without worry of repercussion. So in reality, more of a benefit to you. Because no one wants to read the watered down version of medical school.

Now you know why real names are not always used and why students have a tendency to omit the institution they attend.

Alright, enough chit-chat from me, let's jump into the first medical student conversation.

Share Your Medical School Experience with Premed Students

Do you have a great story about medical school? Share it!


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