DoctorPremed Blog

The hardest part of medical school is getting in. Let me show you how to make the most of your premed years so that you actually become a doctor.

What Would It Mean To Know You're Guaranteed an A on Your Next Exam? academics premed

Imagine waking up to the buzz of your alarm. But this time around you didn’t pull an allnighter.

You actually got to bed at a decent time.

You shower, get dressed, grab some food and you casually st...

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How to Improve Your Premed GPA So You Can Become Competitive for Med School academics medical school acceptance premed

Are you a hard working premed student but feel your grades are not a true reflection of your abilities in the sciences?

You are doing everything asked of you but your premed GPA shows otherwise.


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Failing Biochemistry But Now Ahead in the Class academics premed

What would you do if you’ve failed 3 of 6 exams in your biochemistry class and you couldn’t drop it because you’re a senior who needs to graduate?

I got on a Skype call with a student from Texas who wa...

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Give me 10 minutes a week and I will teach you what took me 14 years to learn so that you successfully get into medical school and actually become a DOCTOR!