"Dr. Spears Has an Unique Ability of Transforming My Personal Statement to Express All The Thoughts I've Been Struggling to Convey to AdComs"   

Nothing will give you a better pay off per hour spent than working on your medical school personal statement.

Having spent thousands of hours on your GPA and hundreds of hours on your MCAT now is not the time to coast on your medical school essay.

If you’re an average applicant you can make yourself slightly less average by having an amazing personal statement. On the otherhand, if you're a "high stat" applicant a mediocre personal statement can ruin your chances of getting into medical school.

Remember, you’re competing against 50,000 premed students who want to get in just as bad as you.

Rarely will you be exceptional compared to everyone who is applying, especially since you have similar stats and participate in the same extracurriculars:

  • Volunteering
  • Shadowing
  • Research Publications

This is why you need to put extra effort into your personal statement so that your application outshines everyone else.

Dr Jason Spears with stethoscope

Hi, I'm Dr. Jason Spears 

Founder of DoctorPremed and a recent medical school graduate. Personal statement writing is my "superpower" and I look forward to helping you effortlessly put together an essay that leads to your medical school acceptance. 

Buy Personal Statement Editing Now

Write Your Way to Your Medical School Acceptance

All the edits have finally paid off and you were able to submit the best medical school personal statement of your life.

Then the phone rang...

You picked up and heard, “On behalf of the Admissions Committee, I am excited to offer you acceptance into medical school…

You’re in shock as you run around like a five year old, jumping up and down. Suddenly it dawns on you that, "I'm going to be a doctor, I can’t believe it but I’m actually going to be a doctor.

You need to call your parents.

Dad who is usually stoic actually shows emotion while your Mom is screaming and crying tears of joys. Your parents are so proud of your accomplishment of getting into medical school.

They can brag about raising a DOCTOR!

It Sucks Having to Write a Personal Statement for Medical School

You’ve been avoiding writing your personal statement for weeks (really months) now. 

As a premed you’re used to gritting your teeth and grinding out the work but the personal statement for medical school is an entirely different beast.

The directions are vague.

Plus how are you going to tell your entire life story in only 5,300 characters? With a ton of pieces for why you want to go into medicine you’re struggling with how to articulate this. 

Are AdComs really going to decide your fate with just one medical school personal statement? How can this be fair?

You excel in math and science but having to write a medical school essay to prove your worth as a future doctor seems like punishment. 

You're staring at a blank screen and it’s not easy getting started. Heck, studying for the MCAT doesn’t seem so terrible right now.

Okay, when you’re thinking about the MCAT you know something is wrong.

The premed years were a grind of sheer exhaustion with one hurdle after another but your scraped by.  But you’re stuck on the personal statement.  

You need to get this medical school essay done. You cannot let your parents down because of your personal statement which you have complete control over.

The process is straight forward, write a compelling personal statement and get into medical school. 

Imagine your disappointment if you don’t become a doctor because of a lackluster medical school personal statement!

Good Enough Won't Earn You A Medical School Acceptance

It’s not like you haven’t been trying when it comes to your personal statement.

You’ve put in plenty of work but it isn’t coming together.

After failing on your own you turn to the internet in desperation. There’s a ton of stuff about how to write a personal statement but nothing seems to be getting you closer to a polished medical school essay. 

Then you stumble upon an idea. 

Why not survey family and friends asking, “What would make me a good doctor?” questions to fuel the writing process. This doesn't go as planned as you only have a few decent answers but nothing considered amazing. 

You have a lingering suspicion that something is missing from your essay. 

Now you’re on a search to find anyone who is willing to read your personal statement. Maybe trade essays with another applicant online and provide feedback to each other.


Please stop. This is the blind leading the blind. They’re just as lost as you are.

Did it ever cross your mind you’re trading your personal statement with someone who you’re in direct competition for getting into medical school? Can you trust this random online stranger is going to give you feedback that is in your best interest? Or worse yet, what if they’re out to steal your personal statement? 

Now that you’ve ruled out going online you may be tempted to ask trusted advisors to review your medical school essay. 

They agree but it leads to problems.

One advisor says it’s good while another has an entirely different opinion. This personal statement writing business is turning into a nightmare.

There’s too much at stake.

This one medical school essay is going out to every medical school you apply to so it has to be correct.

If you make a mistake in your personal statement your reader will think you are careless and not serious about getting into medical school. They will immediately toss your application in the Rejection pile because there’s more than enough flawless essays to choose from. 

Wouldn’t it be awesome to know you’re writing a medical school personal statement that ticks off all the criteria AdComs are seeking in applicants who they will actually admit?

You can be that medical school applicant today even if you are a horrible writer who has no clue on how to compose a winning medical school personal statement. 




I will personally help you craft a one-of-a-kind medical school personal statement that tells your story in the most compelling way possible but more importantly get you a medical school interview.

There’s no need for you to struggle figuring out what to say or how to say it.

You worked hard to reach this point in your premed journey and you must take the next step so that you become a doctor.

Besides, crafting winning personal statements is my superpower. 


I will help you express your story and make the strongest case of why you should be in medical school. 

Trust me.

I’ve successfully gotten into medical school myself and have helped countless premeds do the same. I can get you in too!

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Get Your Acceptance

Work with me and it's nearly guaranteed you get admitted. My acceptance rate is greater than 95% on essays I review. 

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No More Guesswork

I will provide you with everything you need to wow AdComs and set yourself from everyone who is applying.

Have Your Personal Statement Written Today

Let's work together to craft an amazing medical school essay so that you don't have to figure out what to say or how to say it. I will give you everything you need to sell yourself to AdComs and get into medical school.

Get Personal Statement Help Now

How Personal Statement Editing Works

This is a customized personal statement editing service.

Submit a complete or nearly complete essay.

I review it to get a sense of who you are and what you are trying to convey to the admissions committee.

From here I provide feedback and suggestions on how to improve your personal statement. Your first draft will look nothing like your final essay however you will retain your “voice” and the key elements of who you are. 

My edits come in two formats:

  • Theme/Content: this is a global overview working on content, structure, and theme.
  • Detailed: where I go line by line correcting grammar, punctuation, tense, word choice, etc.

You’ll be blown away by the final version of your personal statement.

There’s a reason why students who work with me get accepted into their top choice programs because I know how to get the attention of AdComs when crafting your essay.

Personal Statement Editing

What Will NOT Happen With Your Medical School Essay

No cheating. This is an ethical service.

I will not write your medical school personal statement for you.

You have to make an attempt at drafting an essay so I can help you rework it into a masterpiece.  

Ultimately, the personal statement is yours and I help you think outside the box, provide insights from the perspective of the admissions committee along with helping you avoid common pitfalls that can totally derail your chances of getting into medical school.

As your personal statement editor you will receive plenty of feedback to ensure your essay withstands the scrutiny of even the harshest critic on the admissions committee.

Yes You Have Other Options

I am giving you direct access to my expertise in writing a medical school personal statement that will get you into medical school.

I’ve been editing personal statements for over seven years and my students have been extremely successful.

What would it cost you to learn this yourself? Have you put in the years of premed coaching, writing and sitting on admissions committees to actually know the difference between a mediocre vs compelling essay?

When your medical school essay can make the difference between an acceptance or rejection I wouldn’t leave it to:

I Will Help You Write Your Medical School Personal Statement 

Let me help you put together an amazing personal statement that makes the unique case of why you should be admitted to medical school and what you will bring to the friend of medicine. I will help you earn your medical school acceptance with your personal statement.

I Want Help Writing My Essay!

3 Edits


Great Value

  • Content/Topic Review
  • Blockbuster Opening & Must Admit Closing
  • How To Make Your Story Unique & Compelling
  • Line by Line Edits & Feedback
  • 3 Rounds of Edits Included

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Most Popular

  • Content/Topic Review
  • Blockbuster Opening & Must Admit Closing Suggestions
  • How To Make Your Story Unique & Compelling
  • Line by Line Edits & Feedback
  • Unlimited Edits

Take Control Of Your Medical School Future

That medical school acceptance offer practically has your name written on it already.

However, you just need to write an essay that sells yourself to the admissions committee so that they give you an interview. This is a tricky space to be in because this one essay you write goes out to each and every medical school you’ll be applying to.

Can you imagine how one mistake can spell disaster for your entire medical school application and your chances of becoming a doctor?

The stakes couldn’t be any higher.

AdComs are ruthless and unforgiving when it comes to your essay.


They understand you have 100% control of your personal statement so they expect you to go the extra mile and really convince them you deserve to be in medical school. Any mistake that you make is viewed as you being lazy or that you’re not serious about getting in.


But when medical schools receive over 10,000 applications for only 150 spots, any mistake, no matter how small, is grounds for your rejection.

Imagine not getting into medical school because of a typo, sounding like everyone else or simply not giving your reader what they want in your personal statement for medical school.

However, work with me and never worry about any of this. My students win the medical school admissions race. They get accepted. You deserve to be admitted too. It all starts with your medical school essay so let’s work together, future Doctor!

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3 Edits


Top features

  • Content/Topic Review
  • Blockbuster Opening & Must Admit Closing
  • How To Make Your Story Unique & Compelling
  • Line by Line Edits & Feedback
  • 3 Rounds of Edits Included

Unlimited Edits


Most Popular

  • Content/Topic Review
  • Blockbuster Opening & Must Admit Closing Suggestions
  • How To Make Your Story Unique & Compelling
  • Line by Line Edits & Feedback
  • Unlimited Edits
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