Expert Help for Your Medical School Personal Statement
How are you going to standout and get the attention of AdComs?
You know what to say... But it's not coming together.
Quick question for you...
Do you want a Personal Statement that gets you into medical school?
Have you ever imagined a world where AdComs are begging you to come interview with them?
What if your personal statement led to multiple medical school ACCEPTANCES? Are you ready for that?
What's really holding you back from having an amazing medical school essay?
- Trouble telling your story in 5,300 characters or less.
- Believing you're not a good writer and wanting a second pair of eyes on your writing.
- Putting too much pressure on yourself to come up with your life story.
When you work with me I am going to show you how to write a medical school personal statement that stands out for all the right things.
Your Reader will be immediately impressed by your writing and the captivating story you share where it becomes a no brainer for them to go back to the rest of the admissions committee and say, "We need to invite this applicant to an interview."
And you know what happens next...
You're practically admitted to medical school so long as you don't blow your interview.
Will you be prepared to hear, "Congratulations Student Doctor on your acceptance to medical school," in a few short weeks.

Hi, I'm Dr. Jason Spears
And a few years ago I was just like you...
"No, this needs a complete rewrite. I suggest you take time and consider what exactly you are trying to convey," admonished the Feinberg School of Medicine advisor who was editing my personal statement.
I'm thinking to myself, "How many times will I have to rewrite this essay? I don't even think I have any more material at this point. All my previous drafts weren't good enough and every time it's sent back it's like starting all over with a completely different topic."
I was a Political Science major and writing came effortlessly or so I thought.
But the medical school personal statement was an entirely different beast.
Being a former president of the premed society I knew what made for a great essay where all the AdComs were saying to be:
- Personable
- Show & Don't Tell
- Use Active Tense
- Why Medicine & Why You
- Yet here I was stuck against a wall.
I knew I head to make a very compelling case of why I deserved to be in medical school and what I would bring to the profession, yet I was struggling.
AdComs were saying the most important part of the medical school application after your:
- MCAT Score
Would be your personal statement.
The medical school essay would be my chance to tell my story and let my Reader learn things about me that could not be found anywhere else in my application.
Unfortunately the problem that students run into is what they think is an awesome personal statement, AdComs roll their eyes at for a number of reasons.
It can be due to a topic that is not unique at all. Or the essay reads as a resume in paragraph format. In some cases students actually write themselves out of getting into medical school because of how poorly their personal statement comes across.
I didn't think I was that bad, but I was.
The big problem is having only 5300 characters to sell yourself to AdComs without coming across as cocky but at the same time needing to stand out in your medical school essay.
The Epiphany
Finally, it dawned on me.
Instead, of trying to meet everyone's demands of what they thought made for a great essay I realized:
- just be myself
- write about my unique goals and experiences for a career in medicine
all without telling my whole life story.
No longer was I concerned about cramming as much as possible into my personal statement.
One of the wisest decisions I made was to focus on no more than 2- 3 topics that I could discuss in great detail as opposed to a basic overview of a ton of different topics.
This change alone beefed up my essay and allowed me to really draw in my Reader so they could connect with me as a person and get to know what I was all about.
Additionally, I used a thought provoking opening to grab the Reader's attention along with having a theme throughout my essay sealed the deal for me.
By the time I got to the end of my personal statement everything was coming together effortlessly where I simply made a strong recap of my most important points and reiterated how I would be a great addition to their medical school.
What They Never Tell You
Personal statement writing is not easy and I felt so dumb with my first essays. But I realized it wasn't my fault.
It's because everyone tells you how important the personal statement is but no one ever really tells you how to go about writing your essay in detail. No wonder I was struggling!
Every AdCom or advisor I'd come across would just say, "The Personal Statement should not be taken lightly and that writing is a process which takes time."
When I figured out this wasn't 100% true I finally was able to break out of their chains and write a personal statement that actually worked.
The real problem with personal statement writing is not having a system in place for writing.
AdComs see thousands of essays but as a premed this is only your first time writing about wanting to become a doctor.
Explosive Writing Success Happens
Once I caught onto what was going on I began to use a formula and framework of writing about myself in a way that convinced others I had what it took to be a doctor.
Using this formula it becomes a piece of cake for me to approach any personal statement and spot the holes and all the problems that could get your essay REJECTED.
With key elements strategically placed within any personal statement I know your essay will give the medical schools exactly what they want.
I didn't realize when I started using this formula for my personal statement that not only does it streamline the writing process but it also helps:
- compose secondary applications
- draw in your Reader immediately
and gives you the confidence that no matter who reads your essay they will know you are the ideal candidate for their medical school.
Amazing Personal Statement Editing Services
And that's why I now offer Personal Statement Editing Services.
This took 3 years to create and cost me hundreds of hours editing personal statements, talking with AdComs and uncovering the common pitfalls premed students make when writing their medical school essays.
But my Editing Services are totally worth it because it will get you into medical school.
You won't have to guess or ask some random stranger online to read over your personal statement and give you feedback you can't even trust.
Fast Track Your Writing
You'll never have to struggle again when you let me take care of your essay.
If it took you 4 days of writing to come up with your crappy personal statement you will be so happy to know you can hand it over to me and within 48 hours have the best medical school essay.
While I'm editing your personal statement you can focus on more important things such as preparing for the MCAT.
Plus, the feedback you receive can be used for all other parts of your application:
- Primary AMCAS
- Secondaries.
I'm giving you a writing toolbox so you can literally write you way to a medical school acceptance.
You only have one shot to make make the strongest case of why you should be given the chance to become a doctor. Can you sum up your entire life and premed existence in a single page?
The stakes couldn't be any higher.
One medical school personal statement will go to all the schools you apply to.
Having just one error in your essay can be fatal as the mistake gets compounded over and over again. Why?
All the medical schools will receive the same copy of your medical school essay, error included. Ouch!
Once you hit the "submit" everything is out of your control.
Don't sabotage getting into medical school because you didn't give your medical school essay the attention it deserves.
Did you know?
When deciding between two equally qualified applicants AdComs use your personal statement as the deciding factor.

You have helped me tremendously with my personal statement and on my journey as a premed student. Thank you so much for your feedback and guidance. I knew there were parts of my PS that really needed to be stronger, but I just didn't know what to work on or how to go about it. I really appreciate you taking the time to read my PS and give me comments.

I can't thank you enough for your help. Both for guiding me in the right direction with the paper and for completely revising it. I made a few minor changes to the final draft you sent me last week and submitted the application that day. I received an Acceptance letter yesterday. It is difficult to write about oneself, especially one's failures and I'm grateful for your quick and great work. Thank you again for everything.

I am incredibly thrilled to let you know that I have been accepted to medical school at Case Western Reserve! The school is absolutely incredible with many opportunities. That being said - the school's statistics (gpa, sgpa, and otherwise) - are off the charts, so I know that Personal Statement that you helped me with made a difference. Thank You. I am very hopeful about my future in medicine, and I know that I could not have gotten to this point without your advice and edits on the PS.
What I Have For YOU
But, before you get started, let me ask you a question...
Would you like access to a Medical School Personal Statement Editing Service where over 95% of applicants get into their top choice program?
You've been premed for 3 years now and here's your opportunity to ensure those years weren't wasted when you take advantage of my Personal Statement Editing Services.
Having edited hundreds of essays over the years I can instantly spot the common pitfalls and traps in your writing that will keep you out of medical school. Take a look at what my AdCom colleagues have posted about essays:

More Than Grammar and Spellcheck
Anyone can give medical school personal statement help on grammar and spellcheck but you need much more to get into medical school.
I will go through your essay step-by-step, and line by line using a methodical approach covering every single detail in your personal statement.
Here's a snapshot (blurred for privacy) of just how extensive my edits are.

What I'll do for your personal statement from start to finish:
- Attention grabbing introduction
- Developing a theme for your essay
- How to answer: Why Medicine & Why You
- Key topics to focus on
- Key transitions between paragraphs
- Stellar closing paragraph
Whether you're struggling with there's so much to say but not enough space or how to get the "flow" of your essay together I'm here to provide medical school personal statement help.
I won't stop working on your essay until you have an excellent personal statement that gets you an interview.
What's It Worth To You?
If my editing services got you into medical school, would it be worth it?
If all this ensured you do not have to go to a post bac program or re-apply to medical school would it be worth it?
A Special Offer
I'm not going to charge you $1,400. You only have to invest $600 towards your future.
My Guarantee
I'm going to take on all the risk and give you my 200% guarantee. I will be 100% plugged into your medical school personal statement and I will be 100% confident you walk away with an amazing personal statement.
I will go over your medical school essay and tell you exactly what impression you make on your reader. Your statement either gets you closer to an acceptance or can hurt your chances.
Please note that since this is a service being offered all sales are final.

The Time Is Now, You Must Take Action Today!
You must act now because I can only work on a limited number of personal statements.
Your medical school essay will be personally edited by me from start to finish...
I don't hand off your essay to inexperienced editors who have never applied or attended medical school.
Just imagine what life will be like after you submit your applications and you start receiving emails inviting you to medical school interviews.
But life will totally change on the day you receive your first medical school acceptance because after this point no matter what you will be a DOCTOR!
All your hard work and efforts will have paid off and you can be proud that you are on your way to medical school.
Get Started Now
- Choose the package that best meets your needs.
- Submit payment.
- Email me your essay to: jason (at) doctorpremed (dot) com
Remember your medical school essay should adhere to AMCAS guidelines of not exceeding 5,300 characters.
The turnaround time for medical school personal statement help is 48 - 72hrs.
Only you can decide about how serious you are about getting into medical school and if you want my help or not.
Regardless of your decision the world is going to keep spinning and I'm still going to help your classmates get into medical school whether we're working together or not.
However, without my help, you'll be working HARDER than you need to.
This sounds harsh but let's face the reality and if you haven't applied to medical school then you just don't know what to expect no matter how much "research" you do online or who you talk to.
There's a huge difference in getting one-off advice versus someone dedicated to working with you to help you achieve your medical dreams and goals of actually becoming a DOCTOR!
I want you to know that my Personal Statement Editing Service is NOT just grammar and spellcheck. You will have help on every aspect of your medical school essay so that you can submit a powerful personal statement that immediately captivates your Reader and makes the strongest case of why you belong in medical school.
Isn't that what you want?
Then you know what you must do.
Invest in yourself and your future with one of my Personal Statement Editing Services.