DoctorPremed Blog
The hardest part of medical school is getting in. Let me show you how to make the most of your premed years so that you actually become a doctor.
Are you excited or nervous to be starting your first year of medical school? Regardless of how you are feeling I will guide you through everything you need to know about preparing for medical school.
...UseĀ medical school statisticsĀ to find out the resident interview rates for each medical school. These percentages will become very helpful while you are applying to medical school.
Percentage (%) of ...
Medical school tuitionĀ is one of your biggest medical school costs, here's a listing of each medical school along with the tuition rates for each medical school.
Use this information to compare medic...
Medical school tuition for non-residentsĀ will be one of your biggest medical school costs, here is a listing of each medical school along with the nonresident rates for each medical school.
Use this ...
Medical student conversations are your chance to hear from those who have successfully made the transition from premed to med student. You'll get an inside glimpse as to what medical school is really ...
As a premed student all your thoughts and energies are pointed towards the MCAT!
Guess, what this is just the beginning of a long line of standardized exams that you'll face throughout your medical car...
Let me begin with by extending a hearty congratulation on matriculating to medical school. The premed years were tough with organic chemistry, staying involved with leadership activities, chasing down...
Just ran into my friends who is a 3rd year medical student. She just completed her surgery rotation and had a lot to say about this specialty and what medical students are put through.
All I can say is...
Great you've made it into medical school but now what?
Just because you're in medical school doesn't mean there will be smooth sailing ahead. Personally, medical school was a big adjustment for me from...
The USMLE Step 1 or COMLEX 1 for those in D.O. medical schools is the make or break exam for the rest of your career. I know in the past you heard everything was on the line with the MCAT, which was t...
I'm actually very nervous about beginning my hospital rotation. The past two years have been purely in the classroom with standardized patients for history and physicals or in medical jargon H&Ps.
But ...
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Give me 10 minutes a week and I will teach you what took me 14 years to learn so that you successfully get into medical school and actually become a DOCTOR!